Mariana Abramovic is a performing artist. Most of her pieces have little to do with her instead there is more involvement from the audience. She has taken the role of a canvas throughout her career.She likes to test the limits of her body,she doesn't shy away from excruciating pain and the embarrassment caused by her experiments.Yes I see her work as experiments to study people.She encourages peoples participation to study the outcome of her performance and reflects upon it. When you feel strong about a certain thing and express it that is art to me.It is about the artist it surrounds his or her life,likes and dislikes. Mariana looked for a reaction from people in her case the people were the artist she was just a canvas who behaved as a different material in every act and presented the audience with different tools,mediums to work with each time.Most of her works end up in she abusing her body.Maybe it was not the passion she had for performing arts but the thrill of dying,after all she was quite dejected by the fact that her body was bound to certain limits after rhythm 5 where she lost consciousness when surrounded by smoke.Her depression might be the answer to her actions also the reason why she always engages with people,she wants to be a part of the crowd and not an outcast. 'Rhythm 0' depresses me,to see people act in such savage and inhumane way is saddening and on top of it Mariana Letting people almost kill her is shameful,to have so little care and respect for your life to take it for granted and for what? to bring out the evil that we know is inside everyone of us?and portraying herself as a victim and the cowards who couldn't face their misdoings.

In 'The artist is present' it seems as if she is seeing herself as being that person or looking for a piece of her in the subject facing her,or comparing her life. Mariana likes to create her own world and not very often dips her head in reality,it sure explains her dramatic termination of Mariana-Ulay relationship.
Through appropriation art Barbra Kruger sheds some light on the ongoing controversies and politics. Kruger's work calls for your attention,with the use of bold font and red and white colourscheme you can't miss it.Her artwork oozes of sarcasm.For example in the following image the girl seems to be mocking the notion of 'money can't buy you love'.Visually her work is eye catching and appealing but it doesn't scream something different.But I do like the idea of mashing up two different images and creating a new meaning from it,but other than that her work seems ordinary for today's world.
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